Jetski Trailer

Roller Beams


Cut and drill the main and rear roller beams as shown below.

If less rollers are required, the hole spacings can be adjusted to compensate - Be aware that the more rollers you have fitted, the better the support for the jetski hull.

It is advised that a drill press or pedestal drill is used to drill the thru holes to ensure accuracy.

Weld the main and rear roller beam sections together.







Cut and weld the stems under the roller beams.

Check the internal measurement between the front and rear cross members on the trailer chassis to ensure sufficient room to fit the roller beams with the stems attached.

Centre the stem on the roller beam and check that the stem is square on the beam before welding.

If more flexibility for adjusting the roller beam to the hull shape, weld suitably sized "U" Brackets onto the stems. Drill and bolt the "U" bracket to the roller beam.

See "Wooden Bunk Option" page for more details.



Jetski Trailer Plan


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